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Some of the work we have done


Design sprint for NIRA Dynamics

Secure and optimize Sweden's road network with design sprints as the driving force.

FeedbackFrog - Communication with a clear purpose

Developing and implementing a marketing and communication strategy to help FeedbackFrog on its scaleup journey

Swedish Air Force Museum - an engaging AI assistent

When the Air Force Museum was about to introduce Dyno Robotics' AI assistant Elsa, trained with GPT-3 NLP to interact with the museum's visitors, we helped them create an authentic experience.

Bekledning og design - Bård Asle Nordbø / Statens vegvesen

The Norwegian Public Road Administration: digital product development and strategy

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration is shaping the future of transportation across Norway. With a focus on accessibility, safety, and low emissions, they work to minimize environmental impact and ensure efficient use of public funds.


Nevion - Custom Interface for Streaming Media

The Virtuoso platform enables media broadcasts over the internet, where video, audio, and data streams can be separated and sent individually to different IP addresses worldwide.

Digital support for grown ups with ADHD

Together with Psykologpartners, we developed the foundation for a digital support service for adults with ADHD.

Service design in healthcare at Region Östergötland

Self-monitoring is an e-health solution that makes it easier for patients to track values such as blood pressure and weight using digital technology at home or wherever they are.